Friday 15 January 2010

Final Day Of Preperation!

Final day of preperation!
To sort out the productions schedule of our shoots. nearly done just a few more things too add, and also Nelson making some of the final adjustments to the storyboard and script as the alterations have been quite big.
With no problems so far all is going well, all we have to do for now is arange all the equitment and props so that we are fully ready for our shoot. Hopefully a good shoot!


  1. Maybe you coul explain some of the alterations - what did you change and why? It would be interesting to know how your ideas have developed.

  2. Well from Nelsons first storyboard, we have added some more scenes and also made them more detailed to make it much easier for us when it comes to shooting so that everyone knows what they are doing. By everyone i mean me and Nelson and also all of our cast. We defined the last scene much more and it has become the main storyline to our production.

  3. Adam, bear in mind, we have to consider whether to use dummy guns than a real gun due to sirs review from a police website is that we need to inform the police about our shooting. This is because we're shooting at a public place which we need to be careful as publics may think that we with firearms may cause problems towards them.
